Spike Burton

About Me

I eat bits for breakfast. 1's and 0's course through my veins. Jokes aside, I was the kid who discovered the thrill of staring into the abyss of the DOS prompt before typing win to launch Windows 3.1. I later installed Linux on the home PC, much to everyone else's dismay. As the internet started to come of age in the late 90's, my mom gave me a book on HTML ... and the rest is history.

My current choice of tools and languages is trending toward Node/React, Go, Python and going serverless in the cloud with Amazon Web Services. My fields of interest and domain knowledge span networking, infrastructure and security. The service that powers the blog for this site is an AWS Lambda function built in Node which forwards data from my Medium account, while the site itself is constructed with GatsbyJS.

Innovation and creativity are what drive me. Beyond programming, I write heavy hitting dance music under various aliases. You can check out my latest project on SoundCloud. I've previously blogged about my concurrent interests in writing code and electronic music production, which you can read more about here. I am an avid blogger, and some of my writing has been published in The Startup and tweeted by Postman.

When I'm not glued to my screen, you can find me out on the ATL beltline or at a local brewery. I am currently enjoying the vibrant city life that Atlanta has to offer, and feel fortunate enough to have grown into adulthood right in the middle of it all. Please reach out if you'd like to connect! If you are in the Atlanta area I am always down to get coffee and shoot the breeze about music, culture, the tech space in general, and video games that I used to be good at but probably suck at now.